Quick! Grab a pen and a sheet of paper and write down in 5 seconds, 3 words or phrases that you associate immediately with the words 'Mercedes Benz India'.
Done? OK, if your list doesn't contain any of the following,
cheated, trauma, pathetic, unreliable, plagued with problems, harassed, nightmare, disappointed customer, repairs worth over Rs. 3 lakhs, 164 days OFF the road, falling apart, engine failure, clutch failure, air conditioning failure, software failure, NO extended warranties, dangerously instable braking, 2.85 kms to the litre and hold your breath, German piece of crap.
then it's probably been a while since you had a taste of some reality pie. Call yourself 10 nasty names in the next 5 seconds and then go and read this. (Registration may be required to view / contribute content)