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Thursday, November 17, 2005



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India roads were actually nicer than I thought when I saw it last year.


Nice article. In fact I had a lot of questions regarding these things on my US permit test when I took a road test.


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Much of the world wide web is full of sarcasm & mocking of driving on Indian roads. This site http://driving-india.blogspot.com has been created with the purpose of providing driver education and training rather than criticism.
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Several video's are available covering topics such as blindspots, principle of mirrors signal manoeuvre, giving way at junctions, courtesy and the tyre and tarmac rather than bumper to bumper rule.

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Most of the points are true. Being patriotic about the country is good, but it should not make one ignorant.

Smita Kiran

The reason the rate of accidents is less in India is because you need space for that . Where is the space when all the vehicles are so close that you can actually tell what the other person driving had for Breakfast !


agreed but the author has far stretched it.. perhaps he should know in US half the guys drive drunk at least in ost parts of the south and NW rural areas. truckers have the license to kill inspite of wide roads with shoulders but these crazy whites still dont get it..

India with all the infrastructure problems has still envious accident record (way to go desis!!)

pune bombay expressway, NH highways goin to chennai bangalore ahemdabad etc jaipur slowly and sulrey india is on the move..

here in US if you stop by the road side if you felt like stretching the cops will give u a ticket (so muc for the rules ) in India one is truly free in body mind and spirit and yes bonhomie exists..

I crave for dhabas here in US after spending 8 years here im too fed up with organised chaos hence im comin back and im sure the dutchman would agree with me herenot even in his tiny dutchland hed have so much freedom which india provides

West with so much development still has a long way to go to get their basics right (you know what i mean)

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