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Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Used cars

Yeah!! Innova was not famous in india.


The Innova is not that big a vehicle .

And sorry it is not half a meter longer than Corolla/Optra ,it is actually the same 4.5 mtr in length and much shorter in length to Camry/Accord(4.8 mtr), and lesser in width to Sonata and Accord.

Moreover its not all that tall if you compare it to a Scorpio or Sumo

So a car which is of the size of Octavia/Corolla(length and width) shouldnt be a parking problem really .Extra hieght doesnt take raod space ..and Innova actually will be more maneouvrable on the roads than your D-Segment Car becuase of it's short bonnet.

And please get your facts correct its not similar in size to the average Mini Bus -for god sake

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