A blow-by-blow (couldn't let that one by, could I?) of what you should and shouldn't do when one of your tyres gives way during a (high-speed) drive:
- A car veers wildly in the case of a front tyre blowout and less so in the case of a rear tyre one. Don't steer suddenly, but try to slow down and get to the side.
- Do not slam the brakes as you could lose control of the car.
- Let the car slow down gradually and work it towards an exit / a side of the road. If you have to change lanes, puton your indicators for others to see.
- Steer the car off the road rather than stop in traffic and risk getting hit by vehicles behind you.
- Don't let strange noises from a blowout scare you. Just grip the steering and make the necessary corrections.
- Wait for the car to slow down at the end where the tyre has blown, then pull off at a safe location.
- However expensive the tyre, do not stop to retrieve it and risk an accident. Drive on and pull over.
- Stay calm and be patient. It's more important to get off the road and keep your passengers and yourself safe.
(From 'What to do in the event of a tyre blowout' featured in yesterday's 'Fast Track' - An Economic Times Special Report)