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Friday, October 15, 2004



Great stuff!!!
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I am unable to find Palio D ( Diesel ) in banglore
fiat showroom with Sundram is now closed.

Can any one give me details where is the showroom of fiat in Bangalore to buy palio D

Tata-fiat is tiedup only with fiat palio petrol vehicles not the diesel.


Awww...you can go for Petra but for poor average? That car is a steal, IMHO. How can you compare 1.3L Flair with 1.6L Monster Petra, which even beats Flair's big bro 1.6 ZXI. Think twice :)

What's average for Ford Flair? If the difference is < 3 km/l, that should be acceptable.


I drive a City. Been thinking of the Marina tho.
Mostly for the space & the VFM - diesel too!
- sameer


Hi Sameer,

I bow to the Formula Red Palio nv Sport!I had a chance to test drive the car over the weekend and I spent more of the time outside the car standing back and admiring it from all sides. The showroom guy must have thought I'd gone off the deep end! =)

What car do you drive?



Petra D would be my choice - decent looks - huge boot, diesel economy and apprently reasonable driveability.
The Palio with a spoiler (red) looks awesome tho.
NOT a Ford pls. They are not built to last, IMO
- sameer

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