Just like I did a while ago, there are others who continue to wonder in wide-eyed amazement* at the absence of any mention of the Petra sedan on the Fiat India website. And this is despite a prominent mention of the URL on all of the Petra's advertising. Some of the arguments that come up are pretty interesting, including one that reckons that the Petra is only a stop-gap arrangement for Fiat in India.
Be that as it may, the car does have its fair share of admirers, including this guy* who went through a rather harrowing buying experience, but in the end, stands by his decision.
And here* is another take on this underdog among Indian diesels.
(* Registration may be required to view content)
Hi Aaro,
Thanks for dropping by. If I remember right, the guys at the Palio India User Group brought this issue up for discussion a few weeks ago. You might wanna join them and search the archives or post them your query again. Plus, if you are looking at going in for a Palio / Petra, they are the best Indian forum to get advice and suggestions from. There are loads of diesel-drivin' dudes there who were a great help when I myself was considering a Palio D.
Hope this was of help. :)
Posted by: Navneet | Thursday, December 09, 2004 at 10:32
Would like inputs from all frugal diesel-loving folks on what is a guy to do till April 2005? From that date I'm told Euro 3 norms apply and that makes the current crop of diesels non-compliant (except Accent CRDI). And here I was seriously debating whether to buy an Indigo or Petra diesel (I drive 65 km a day so petrol ain't an option dudes). I tried emailing both companies to see if they have a upgrade plan for folks who buy between now and Apri 05, but (of course) they haven't replied. Your take?
Posted by: Aaro | Thursday, December 09, 2004 at 10:03